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Tag Archives: water
We have water
Finally, after months of diddling around, we have a well. Yay! We’ve been waiting for months for the weather to turn favorable (look ma! no rain!), but in actuality it took drama and intrigue to actually brought this to completion. … Continue reading
Well well well
After a long wait, work has finally started on the well. I mentioned our well options about a year ago, and since then we’ve been working to make that happen. I pulled a well construction permit from the state, took … Continue reading
What would Gilligan do?
We still don’t have a well or running water, but one of the things that I have to do sometime soon is a plumbing test for the drain and vent system. To do that, you have to fill the system … Continue reading
An estuaries partnership
A few months ago, we started discussions with the Tillamook Estuaries Partnership, a local conservation group that works to protect the watershed and salmon habitat in this area. They work in a lot of different ways, and one of them … Continue reading
Things are finally getting rolling at the farm. Today, Emily seeded up all the flats of onions for this year. Yeah, yeah, I know- we’re a few weeks behind. Things have been crazy! We have some tasty varieties we’re planting … Continue reading