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Tag Archives: vegetables
2014 veggies
We’ve ordered the seeds for the 2014 season. Last year was pretty frantic, and as part of that, we didn’t keep very good production records. Ideally, I’d like to have data to support seed choices- what grew and produced well … Continue reading
Planting is never done
Planting is never done. Until we started this project, I always figured that gardeners planted seeds in the spring, and harvested stuff in the fall. That overly simplistic view, like most overly simplistic views, turned out to be misguided. Once … Continue reading
High Gear in July
July is here, so it’s time to get it into high gear with the garden. This week looks promising- we’ve had three days of solid sun, and the forecast calls for at least four more. A record! All the sunshine … Continue reading
When you go out to dinner and don’t want to take the kids, you get a babysitter. When you have to leave the farm for a week right in the middle of peak season, you need a Farmsitter. We just … Continue reading
The Spring Fling
Hello! Welcome to the long overdue installment of “what is happening at the Peace Crops farm.” I’d always heard that spring planting time was supposed to be busy in the farming world, but now I know it to be true- … Continue reading
End of the Garden
The winter cold has finally brought the gardening to a halt. But our winter is not much like the sudden, piercing cold we were used to in the midwest and other parts of the country. We’ve had a few soft … Continue reading
A few weeks ago was Emily’s birthday. To celebrate, we held a party out at the farm. It was a sortof double-header; the inaugural event of the farm and the first time that many of our guests had ever been … Continue reading
First harvest
Wow, the last few weeks have been pretty hectic. I’d always heard that late summer was busy for farmers, and it seems to be true. Besides the obvious situation of all the plants going into overdrive all at once (including … Continue reading
This week has been really busy with my other two jobs, but I today finally got to spend a full day on the crops. They’ve apparently hit their stride, maybe due to the weather finally cooperating: the last few days … Continue reading
I get by with a little help from my friends
After being away for a week on business, the pile of work at the farm was higher than usual. Luckily, our friends Adam and Christina came by to help out! They spent the weekend here, and between games of Settlers … Continue reading