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Tag Archives: tree
Happy solstice
and two year anniversary of us being land owners! Now if only we could get moved in… Speaking of Gravel Creek Property history, I was walking by one of the trees that Sandy cut down a few months back and took … Continue reading
Designer insulation?
We’re starting to feel like we may actually get moved in before the fall after all! This week, our friends Adam and Christina came out and helped us finish installing the insulation on the cottage. We’re trying yet another weird … Continue reading
Yard patrol
When I was a kid, my dad worked at the Pentagon. Now that I’m older, I realize that it was probably a pretty stressful job. Oftentimes when he’d come home in the evening, he’d take off his uniform, put on … Continue reading
Timber 2?
I missed a post last week, because I’ve been working on something cool. And I will post about it soon. But to keep you interested, I’m going to post a quick one about something different… the last post! We’ve been … Continue reading
One of the interesting cultural things we’ve discovered about Oregon, especially the coast, is that it has a rich timber history. It’s evident everywhere: old buildings with wood beams three feet deep, huge expanses of forest at every turn, old … Continue reading
The Trees
I don’t know why so many of my posts are titled after rock songs; I guess I have a constantly running soundtrack of 70s and 80s music running through my head at all times (today’s post is brought to you … Continue reading
The Spring Fling
Hello! Welcome to the long overdue installment of “what is happening at the Peace Crops farm.” I’d always heard that spring planting time was supposed to be busy in the farming world, but now I know it to be true- … Continue reading
Mechanical Muscle
The really environmental purists frown on using diesel to get work done on a sustainable farm, but sometimes, it’s just too practical. The site where we’re going to plant the orchard is in pretty rough shape; it was logged several … Continue reading