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Tag Archives: peace corps
Joe & Katy visit
This week brought something exciting and new… two of our friends from Peace Corps came to visit! Joe & Katy shared in many of our adventures while we were serving in Guatemala, and we are especially close with them because … Continue reading
I get by with a little help from my friends
Now that we’ve “bought the farm,” it’s time to see what we’ve signed up for. There is a pretty big list of fixit items, including things like thinning downed timber and re-gravelling the driveway. That’s actually a bigger deal than … Continue reading
Blueberry Pancakes
Blueberry Pancakes 2c flour 4tsp baking powder 1tsp salt 1/2tsp cinnamon 1/4tsp ground nutmeg 1-1/2c milk 2 eggs 4TB melted butter 2TB honey 1 or 2 c blueberries Mix the wet and dry ingredients separately, then fold the dry ingredients … Continue reading
15 minutes of fame
We appeared this week on the front page of the B section of The Headlight Herald, the county newspaper. Our county has a pretty progressive Food section, huh? (click the image to enlarge)
From the little apple to the big one
This post is dedicated to Katy Clark, who is always waiting for me to post something or, as is my style, a lot of things all at once. This one’s for you. Dear Blog Readers, It was a wild ride. … Continue reading
Happy New Year
Here we are in the first week of the new year… a year that is a very big one for us. Settle in, this is going to be a long post. This year, Emily and I are farming. We came … Continue reading
Posted in News, Theory
Tagged diabetes, food desert, food security, guatemala, peace corps