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Tag Archives: market
Oh dear, now it’s been even longer since I posted. Hopefully I can get back on track now! This month has been hectic, trying to finish up the house, and we’ve been living with a friend across the street in the … Continue reading
The Last Market
Last night was the end of the market season for 2014. Wow, this year has gone by quickly. Here we are presiding over the stand, waiting for the starting drum and first rush of customers. It’s nice that we were … Continue reading
Grocery run
The best part of the farmers’ market (besides seeing our friends) is the last 10 minutes. That’s when the crowds have mostly gone, vendors are chatty, and with only a few minutes left, everyone starts drifting around to their neighbors’ booths … Continue reading
Big broccoli
And a little update on the farm, while I’m at it. This picture makes me extremely happy, mostly because of how much of a good time my Dad is having in the background (click to enlarge). He and mom helped … Continue reading
A gift most people don’t want
I got a call last week, one that happens to beekeepers from time to time: an offer of thousands of stinging insects. “I caught a swarm yesterday,” Jeff said, “But I don’t have a place to keep it, and I don’t want to … Continue reading
The Last Stand…
…of the Manzanita Farmers’ Market for this year. Going into it, we were preparing for the worst: rainy weather, tourists are gone for the year, and shortened hours due to the ever-earlier fall sunset make for a perfect storm of … Continue reading
First market of 2013
The summer must be here for real. The first farmers’ market of 2013 us upon us. Last Friday, I sorted through the shed and dug out all the goodies that make up the stand: scale, table, canopy, flags, markers, cash … Continue reading
2012 harvest statistics
I’ve finally had a chance to compile this year’s harvest statistics. It gives an interesting, quantitative perspective on what we did in 2012. I won’t bore you with all the details, I’ll just give you the highlights, much like the … Continue reading
What’s next?
Now that the winter has come and the rains have finally set in, it’s time to do two things: A: Chill out and take a wee break B: Perform statistical analysis of past income and production performance. The chill out … Continue reading
Emily’s last stand
The end of the farming season has arrived. Or, more precisely, the end of the farmers’ market season. Here’s a picture of Emily at our stand in Tillamook. At both the Manzanita and Tillamook farmers’ markets, we had somewhat slow … Continue reading