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Tag Archives: honey
2015 honey production stats
Honey extraction is done. Whew! That’s a lot of work. I guess I shouldn’t complain, though- it’s the beez that are doing most of the hard part. This year was very productive, by coastal standards, and I averaged 31.1 pounds of … Continue reading
2104 honey results
The final honey harvest is in. We had a particularly good year for bees; long warm summer with little rain to get in their way. As a result, many of my hives performed way above expectations and they look very … Continue reading
More funny honey
Here’s an interesting article that is creepy, but no surprise to beekeepers. It seems that a German food conglomerate was trans-shipping honey to avoid $180 million in tariffs. People got sent to jail over it, because they got caught, but this is not … Continue reading
Muth Jars
It’s honey season once again in the Nehalem river valley. How time flies (and bees too!). This year, we thought we’d experiment with some new packaging. Back in the early 1900s, there was a glass jar company called “Muth” that … Continue reading
Emily’s last stand
The end of the farming season has arrived. Or, more precisely, the end of the farmers’ market season. Here’s a picture of Emily at our stand in Tillamook. At both the Manzanita and Tillamook farmers’ markets, we had somewhat slow … Continue reading
Honey again
The big surprise of the week is the bees. A few weeks ago, they were looking a little sparse and lackluster, but now we’re buried in honey. It’s all due to the japanese knotweed, an invasive plant that has all … Continue reading