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Tag Archives: guatemala
Apples are ready
This is year three for the orchard, and a few of the trees are already producing. The biggest winner is the Whitney Crab. As you can see, it already has a lot of fruit. They are small and a little … Continue reading
Elsewhere in the world…
This blog tends to be extremely local to the goings-on in our small valley in northwest Oregon. But occasionally I hear of events in far off lands that remind me that this all started long ago and far away… in … Continue reading
Popcorn fail
Corn is a point of some contention in our family, one of the few subjects that we don’t agree upon wholeheartedly. I like corn; it’s tasty when it’s really fresh and sweet, it’s fairly easy to grow, and it makes … Continue reading
Oh dear
This one goes out to my Dad, who likes these kind of stories. When Emily and I left the midwest to move out to Oregon and start our farm, my dad stopped me as I was packing, to talk about … Continue reading
Happy New Year
Here we are in the first week of the new year… a year that is a very big one for us. Settle in, this is going to be a long post. This year, Emily and I are farming. We came … Continue reading
Posted in News, Theory
Tagged diabetes, food desert, food security, guatemala, peace corps