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Tag Archives: greenhouse
What would Gilligan do?
We still don’t have a well or running water, but one of the things that I have to do sometime soon is a plumbing test for the drain and vent system. To do that, you have to fill the system … Continue reading
When you go out to dinner and don’t want to take the kids, you get a babysitter. When you have to leave the farm for a week right in the middle of peak season, you need a Farmsitter. We just … Continue reading
Retrospective and things to come…
December is finally upon us, a time when all good farmers look back upon the year they’ve had, weigh their successes and failures, and then start planning for the year to come. In our first year of farming, we: Planted … Continue reading
Seedlings abound
We’re slowly easing into full-on work here. As I mentioned a few weeks back, we began seeding the long lead time items first: about 25 flats of peppers, tomatoes, beets, and onions. This presented a bit of a quandary, though, … Continue reading
Back when I was in the Peace Corps, I came across a clever design for a mini-greenhouse. It wasn’t appropriate for what we needed at the time, but I filed the idea away in the back of my head. It … Continue reading