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Tag Archives: food security
GMO vote coming up
I’ve posted about this topic in general before, explaining what a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) is and why it might be a bad idea to set it free in the environment, let along eat one. Click here to catch up. … Continue reading
More funny honey
Here’s an interesting article that is creepy, but no surprise to beekeepers. It seems that a German food conglomerate was trans-shipping honey to avoid $180 million in tariffs. People got sent to jail over it, because they got caught, but this is not … Continue reading
Bee good
Good news! The EU has recently decided to restrict the use of neonicotinoids, a class of pesticide that has been linked to declining bee populations. Whether or not you like honey, you should care about this because bees also pollinate … Continue reading
One of this things I had imagined to do with this blog when I originally started it was to post recipes. Yeah, yeah, I know- there are a million recipes on the internet, and I’m not even that much into … Continue reading
15 minutes of fame
We appeared this week on the front page of the B section of The Headlight Herald, the county newspaper. Our county has a pretty progressive Food section, huh? (click the image to enlarge)
From the little apple to the big one
This post is dedicated to Katy Clark, who is always waiting for me to post something or, as is my style, a lot of things all at once. This one’s for you. Dear Blog Readers, It was a wild ride. … Continue reading
First harvest
Wow, the last few weeks have been pretty hectic. I’d always heard that late summer was busy for farmers, and it seems to be true. Besides the obvious situation of all the plants going into overdrive all at once (including … Continue reading
I guess that was timely
The last post talked a bit about food security and health, two topics that continue to interest us. It keeps coming up in our day-to-day lives; Emily just read in a magazine that 49 million people in the US suffer … Continue reading
Happy New Year
Here we are in the first week of the new year… a year that is a very big one for us. Settle in, this is going to be a long post. This year, Emily and I are farming. We came … Continue reading
Posted in News, Theory
Tagged diabetes, food desert, food security, guatemala, peace corps