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Tag Archives: deer
Wildlife abounds
From time to time I like to post collected pictures of the various beasties that can be found lurking in the woods surrounding our cottage. The first picture is a little blurry, because it was taken in a great hurry … Continue reading
Deer Abby
I was sitting at the computer working this morning, and Emily was in the kitchen fixing breakfast. Suddenly, she cried “Aye aye Aieeeee” and startedĀ flailing her arms wildly. I thought she might have been stung by a straggling bee; we’ve … Continue reading
Funny looking dog
I was at Gravel Creek the other day checking my bees, and heard this weird snorting/ wheezing sound coming from the woods in the direction of the river. It was barely audible, but after a minute or two, my curiosity … Continue reading
I’m a lumberjack, baby!
Again with the song titles! Part of the problem is that I work with Ryan a lot, and he reminds me of all these obnoxious songs from the 80s as well as some cool ones (the title track is by … Continue reading
Getting ready for the first market
OK, actually, the second market of the season, but the first for us. We didin’t have enough produce ready last week, which was kindof embarrassing. But you learn and move on, right? This week we should have radishes, some beets … Continue reading
Clearing brush
Things are slowly getting back into gear at the farm. Our big task for the time being is clearing out another 3,000 square feet of garden space to get ready for the coming season. I spent some time hacking back … Continue reading
Stinky jobs
It’s salmon spawning season here in the Pacific Northwest. Every November, after a few years at sea, zillions of salmon return to the inland waterways of their birth. They wiggle their massive silvery bodies up think creeks and brooks, loitering … Continue reading
Oh dear
This one goes out to my Dad, who likes these kind of stories. When Emily and I left the midwest to move out to Oregon and start our farm, my dad stopped me as I was packing, to talk about … Continue reading
I keep hearing about all these deer that are going to descend on our farm in hordes, wreaking terrible havoc on all that is green. As one who has been known to eat of the venison from time to time, … Continue reading
When elk attack!
That sounds pretty dramatic, but I guess it isn’t all that bad. Remember how I put up a special deer fence around the orchard? Well, I went out to check on the bees yesterday, and found a giant hole torn … Continue reading