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Tag Archives: blueberry
Some surprising new fruits
In the mayhem and distraction surrounding the house remodel, we’ve been lax on some of our farming endeavors. Our blueberries and strawberries, for example, have only received the most superficial care- a few weedings and that’s about it. Despite that, … Continue reading
Backhoe archaeology
I have long been dreading the coming battle against the blackberries. The new farm at Gravel Creek has a beautiful lower field that is about an acre and a half, flat, close to the creek, with good sunlight that is … Continue reading
Blueberry Pancakes
Blueberry Pancakes 2c flour 4tsp baking powder 1tsp salt 1/2tsp cinnamon 1/4tsp ground nutmeg 1-1/2c milk 2 eggs 4TB melted butter 2TB honey 1 or 2 c blueberries Mix the wet and dry ingredients separately, then fold the dry ingredients … Continue reading
2012 Ecofarming Conference
You may remember that back in December, Emily got a scholarship to go to a fancy farm conference in New York. While she was there, she heard of another big one on the left coast, and called me to hurry-up-quick … Continue reading
Stinky jobs
It’s salmon spawning season here in the Pacific Northwest. Every November, after a few years at sea, zillions of salmon return to the inland waterways of their birth. They wiggle their massive silvery bodies up think creeks and brooks, loitering … Continue reading
The first days of the season
Well, we’re finally in the thick of it. Sorry for the lack of a recent post; we’ve been pretty busy with the start-of-season tasks. Who’d have thought farming could be this busy? (hah) Let’s roll through the latest, one thing … Continue reading
After an unexpectedly long break due to a death in the family, we’re back at it. Today we received a DUMPTRUCK load of sawdust to mulch the blueberries. Normally, one wouldn’t use sawdust as mulch, because it has little nutritive … Continue reading
The blueberries are planted
The weather, schedule, and several other factors finally aligned yesterday and we were able to plant the blueberry patch. I’m more excited about blueberries than anything else we’re going to plant this year, for a lot of reasons. First off, … Continue reading
The local community
Moving to a new place can be hard- making friends, finding out what’s going on, getting involved. We really lucked out in this area… while we’re working away to get the farm started, we’ve come across a zillion other fantastic … Continue reading