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Tag Archives: beekeeping
Kilarney Red
Emily’s trying a new variety of garlic this year, Kilarney Red. It’s a hardneck from Ireland, which we figured would be a good fit, as Ireland has the same mesothermic maritime environment that we do. We may have guessed right- … Continue reading
Building beehives
Last week we had a break in the rain and cold, and the bees went out for a little buzz around the hive. You go, little guys! I was busy as well, building hives in anticipation of the arrival of … Continue reading
Beach blizzard
This one goes out to all our buddies in Chicago, Aurora, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Ft. Wayne, Dayton, and all the other chilly places in the midwest that have been slogging through feet of snow all winter long. We don’t usually get … Continue reading
Red Roof Inn
I’m planning on expanding my honeybee operations this year, from 6 colonies to 18. That’s a big jump, and as part of the process, I’m going to need a lot of new hives. Not being one for doing things the … Continue reading
Muth Jars
It’s honey season once again in the Nehalem river valley. How time flies (and bees too!). This year, we thought we’d experiment with some new packaging. Back in the early 1900s, there was a glass jar company called “Muth” that … Continue reading
OSU Bee Lab
As I may have mentioned before, I am studying in the Master Beekeeper program at Oregon State. It’s a cool program: you get access to top-level apicultural scientists like Dewey Caron and Ramesh Sagili, attend really interesting lectures and training … Continue reading
Bee Day
Last Saturday, the local bee club put on a Bee Day class. Several of us in the club worked together to set it up- Bob coordinated it, Sheila and I did the advertising, and Trisha did the catering. The star … Continue reading
East wall down
I feel a little bad that our farm blog is getting temporarily overrun as a house remodel blog, but that’s at least three quarters of what’s going on right now. Maybe that’s OK, though, as homebuilding and shelter have been … Continue reading
A registered apiary
Things are looking good on the beekeeping front: it appears as though all four of our colonies are going to make it through the winter (keeping fingers crossed!), and I just hived two new purchased colonies this weekend. This brings … Continue reading
Bee good
Good news! The EU has recently decided to restrict the use of neonicotinoids, a class of pesticide that has been linked to declining bee populations. Whether or not you like honey, you should care about this because bees also pollinate … Continue reading