After an unexpectedly long break due to a death in the family, we’re back at it. Today we received a DUMPTRUCK load of sawdust to mulch the blueberries. Normally, one wouldn’t use sawdust as mulch, because it has little nutritive value (N) and adds acidity to the soil. But, those characteristics are just the ticket for blueberries. As luck would have it, two of the types favored in the OSU agricultural journals, hemlock and alder, are readily available form the local sawmills. Once spread to a depth of about 4 inches, the sawdust will lock in moisture so the berries can continue to grow into the warmer, drier season. I am also hoping that they will help retard the growth of blackberries trying to reclaim their territory.
My old friend Brian and his kids are visiting this week. He’s pretty excited about the farm, and brought his kids out to help. “Help” is a really subjective term when you’re talking about kids and work, but they made a good effort… and more importantly, had a good time. Gavin was especially excited to see a real dumptruck in action.