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Category Archives: Theory
Sun Break
Oregon is awesome. In December, when a midwesterner would normally expect blizzards and ice storms, we get rainbows. And despite the fact that we get a LOT of rain, we get some sunny days too. This has made energy management … Continue reading
GMO vote coming up
I’ve posted about this topic in general before, explaining what a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) is and why it might be a bad idea to set it free in the environment, let along eat one. Click here to catch up. … Continue reading
Third-world healthcare
Sometimes I have to take a break from thinking about farming and construction, and I sometimes end pondering third-world development issues. I came across this brief clip about healthcare, and it made me so happy I am reposting it here. … Continue reading
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What’s the big deal about genetically modified crops?
I came across a great article the other day regarding genetically modified corn. I want to share it with you, because it affects the growing Emily and I do here at Peace Crops. It’s also a convenient opportunity to share … Continue reading
More funny honey
Here’s an interesting article that is creepy, but no surprise to beekeepers. It seems that a German food conglomerate was trans-shipping honey to avoid $180 million in tariffs. People got sent to jail over it, because they got caught, but this is not … Continue reading
The Trees
I don’t know why so many of my posts are titled after rock songs; I guess I have a constantly running soundtrack of 70s and 80s music running through my head at all times (today’s post is brought to you … Continue reading
One of this things I had imagined to do with this blog when I originally started it was to post recipes. Yeah, yeah, I know- there are a million recipes on the internet, and I’m not even that much into … Continue reading
Happy New Year?
Welcome to 2012! We’re in the dead season right now at the farm… all the plants have died back, the bees are dormant for the winter, and most of the other hippie farmers I know are away traveling or hibernating … Continue reading
Oregon state beekeeping conference
I was starting to feel a little jealous about the scholarship that Emily won to go to the Young Farmers’ Conference, even though I’m so happy for her. Then, out of the blue, I won my own scholarship to the … Continue reading
Vanishing of the Bees
We just watched an interesting documentary, The Vanishing of the Bees. It’s about CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder), a mysterious new problem that is affecting bee populations all over the US. Basically, all the bees in an affected hive just disappear. … Continue reading