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Category Archives: Construction
Growing things
WARNING! REALLY LONG POST! Despite the protracted radio silence, things are still growing at the Gravel Creek Homestead. In fact, they are growing better than ever before. Let me take you on a tour of what we have going right now. … Continue reading
Posted in Beekeeping, Construction, News
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Underground stream
Sorry it’s been so long since a post; we’re sortof in limbo waiting on a few house items that are beyond our control. I do still go out to the house regularly, though, and work on subprojects that aren’t on the critical … Continue reading
It’s all right, It’s all right, it’s all right… propane.
You have to imagine that title to the tune of that old Clapton song to really get the spirit of it. Here we see Jeff, the propane guy. He’s super friendly, brought the tools, and has the talent. And now WE have … Continue reading
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We had a nice turkey dinner potluck with several friends in the area, and are feeling quite satisfied. But beforehand, I set the last tile in the mudroom. As of now, all the floor tile is installed, and the … Continue reading
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We’re still working away on the house, trying to get moved in before the foul weather sets in and our bank account gets to zero from paying rent and mortgage at the same time. We’re getting close… there are three main tracks … Continue reading
Posted in Construction, News
A lot of changes
A lot of things have been going on in the last few weeks; so many that I not only haven’t been posting, but I haven’t even known what day of the week it was. Most of these happening have been … Continue reading
Posted in Construction, News
Designer insulation?
We’re starting to feel like we may actually get moved in before the fall after all! This week, our friends Adam and Christina came out and helped us finish installing the insulation on the cottage. We’re trying yet another weird … Continue reading
We have water
Finally, after months of diddling around, we have a well. Yay! We’ve been waiting for months for the weather to turn favorable (look ma! no rain!), but in actuality it took drama and intrigue to actually brought this to completion. … Continue reading
Triple play!
Today I had three major milestones happen: the cottage passed plumbing inspection, mechanical inspection, and electrical inspection. The last one was the most stressful, in part because the electrical end of things is far more complicated, and also the electrical … Continue reading
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Pulling wire
On to electrical! We’re finally at the stage where we are pulling wire for the cottage. It’s surprisingly physical work, pulling all that wire through all those little holes. As Ryan and Sleep were helping me, Ryan mentioned that it … Continue reading